What can C-HAWK do for your company?
Your employees can make or break your company. You put your trust in them for representation and company growth. You always hear the phrase, “your network is your net worth.” Have you ever thought about how crucial your employee pipeline is? Utilizing a Staffing company shouldn’t be just sourcing and placing employees. They should be your partner in building your pipeline, assisting with employee retention, understanding the culture of your company, and helping to develop that culture. Most temporary agencies get a bad rap for sending low quality employees. However, it is very important that our clients get the first pick from our best candidates.

Your network is your net worth,
but you pipeline is your muscle.
HR Services
- Employee handbooks
- PTO Plans (Personal Time Off)
- Flex time plans
- And more!
Safety Risk Management
- Writing and/or reviewing of safety manuals
- Writing of safety programs for your business/industry
- SUTA, FUTA, FICA & Medicare
- How to report these properly and what they mean for your business.
- SUTA, FUTA, FICA & Medicare
Benefits Administration
- Health
- Dental
- Vision
- Accident Plans
- Long & Short-term Disability Plans
- 401k
- Building your pipeline
- New hire training programs
- Best on-boarding practices
- Best recruiting practices
- Managing a flexible workforce
Workers Compensation
- Understanding rates and audits (Are you getting the best rate?)
- Controlling your experience modifier